Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden
Alpha Travels BV (Chamber of Commerce no. 83490868) is affiliated with SGR. You can check this via www.sgr.nl. Within the limits of the SGR guarantee scheme (www.sgr.nl/garantieregeling), the trips published in this program/on this website (in bold where applicable) are covered by the SGR guarantee. This SGR guarantee means that the consumer is assured that his prepaid travel money will be refunded if the other party is unable to fulfill the agreed performance due to financial inability. Insofar as the agreement also includes transport and the destination has already been reached, the return journey will be taken care of. Personal contribution to SGR: Since 1 February 2021, every consumer who books a trip with a travel organization affiliated with SGR pays € 5 per person per booking. For years, the guarantee on your booked holiday was free, but the guarantee fund must also be there for you after the corona crisis, so that you can continue to travel carefree.